At an inservice this summer our presenter gave us a
What did it look like? A MESS! Don't ya' love their scribbles where they tried something and it didn't work? When they finally arrived at the answer it went in the middle so they could proudly display their accomplishment.
All this problem solving motivated me to create a problem of the day activity for each month. I actually started in early October, but it took me longer than I hoped to finish. So...the October one is done and October is about OVER! Yes, that's how I roll sometimes. :-) I scrambled to finish NOVEMBER for those that want to start right away! Click on the image for a trip to my TpT store to investigate. It's geared specifically with 3rd grade in mind, but 4th would enjoy, and if you have some high flying 2nd graders, they'd be challenged! If you like it, let me know and I'll throw the October one in FREE for ya' from now until the end of November!
UPDATE to this post: I now have 9 school months complete! September through May units are finished! You can get them individually, or all bundled up for a cheaper price!
Bananas for math when it's fun,