Monday, July 9, 2012

Story Game Board Freebie

Well, I've returned from my RELAXING, FABULOUS, CAREFREE beach trip...Only to come home to my refrigerator not working. UGGGH! Seriously? Reality check and quick reminder that my days as a beach bum are over! Not all is a total loss...When your refrigerator is out, you have no food to cook, therefore you get to go out to eat and don't have to cook! (insert evil laugh here)

So....who caught that I just TOTALLY skipped over my Spotlight Saturday feature last Saturday?  Yeah, sorry about that.  (Beach bum mode totally took over that day!)  Thought I'd make it up to you by throwing out another freebie.  I took an excerpt from my Genres Bundle unit.  It's a cute activity you can do with any story you read.  It involves students creating a game board that matches the theme and story elements of a book/story they've read.  It's a great way to allow students to be creative and still practice some essential reading skills.  My students LOVED actually playing their game boards once they were done creating them!  (Check out some of their creations!)
Easy to put in a center, use as a cooperative group/pair activity, or even use as a form of assessment.  (Add a rubric to it that holds them accountable for adding characters, setting, problem, solution, plot, etc.)  An optional idea:  If you teach 3rd grade or older, you could have students create a board that they can take down to a younger grade level and play with them...especially if it's a story they're familiar with.  (Like the fairy tale game boards my students made in photos)  

You can grab the FREEBIE by clicking the image at right.  

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  When do you go back to school?  Are you mostly relaxing or planning?  

Bananas for my week at the beach. Not so bananas for a broken refrigerator. 


Lisa R. said... 1

I'm glad you had such a great beach trip!! I've been mostly relaxing & blog stalking. I've got to start planning a little more for next year, but I'm trying to make the most of my summer. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

Storie said... 2

Thank you for sharing this freebie. Your genres bundle is on my wish list for the fall :)
Stories by Storie

Cacheymama said... 3

I am a new follower. Found you through Twitter. Love your blog so far and can't wait to continue reading it!
Thanks for sharing.
Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

Cathy :) said... 5

My refrigerator went out too! 3 days of eating out before the new one came in! I have been relaxing WHILE planning for next year. It's no nice to be able to do it here and there and how I want, and not Oh I have to get this done for tomorrow.
Love this idea of the storyboard. Thanks for sharing!

amy said... 7

Thank you for the freebie. I just found your blog through Casey. I am a new follower!
Where Seconds Count

Michelle said... 8

Thank you all so much! Happy to have some new followers...WELCOME! Thankful you like the freebie. My kids really DID have a great time with the game boards. :-) Enjoy the rest of your summer! Stick around...more freebies to come! :-)

Anonymous said... 9

Hi! I found you through the Second Grade Giveaway! I'm a new follower.

Hope you'll stop by and enter my giveaway too! :)

The Hands-On Teacher in First!

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