As my district dives into Common Core a little more each year, my teachers are doing what good teachers do...looking for ways to teach kids how to be excellent thinkers. Gone are the days of answering questions with one word, or answering with sentences so simple that they hardly require any thought. Gone are the days of "Just because." (Although as a parent, I'm claiming my parental right to use that one when I feel like it! tee hee)
Searching for evidence based anything for elementary students turned out to be more challenging than I thought. Everything I did find was related to high school and in no way shape or form appropriate for teaching our young students how to write and cite evidence from the text. So I did what I usually do when I can't find something... just create it myself. :-)
I created 8 mini "kid friendly" posters to be used as a springboard for discussion and teaching students how to cite evidence and justify their answers. These are EASY to throw on some construction paper and laminate! I'm curious what your district or school is doing to help support teachers in this process of pushing kids to explain their thinking. You know me, I LOVE to hear from you, SO....
I'll email a set of these mini-posters to the first 10 people that would be willing to share. We all learn from each other! Don't forget to leave your email address! :-)
Bananas for learning from each other,
Even in second grade I require full sentences on everything! (And then it pains me to see them doing less in the later grades, but I digress!)
As a back to school getting to know you activity, I wrote questions like "What is your favorite food?" all over a beach ball that looked like a soccer ball. (One question in each white space.)
We tossed the ball and answered the question our right pointer finger was touching. LOTS of one word answers the first time around, so I prompted them all with the correct words. Today we played again and only a couple had one word answers, but could correct it themselves.
Next up, using complete sentences in writing!
We also talk about how one word answers could stem from lots of different questions, so to be clear, the words from the question need to be in the answer. (My example was "Two." COuld be the grade I teach, the number of sisters I have, how many pieces of toast I ate for breakfast...)
tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com
One of the simplest ways I get students to explain their thinking is to not affirm what they have said (not straight away anyway). If I'm asking a question during whole class or small group lessons, I ask students to 'Convince Us' when they answer. They may need to draw on their schema, make a connection or refer to the place in the text etc to do this. Once they've tried to convince us, I'll ask if someone has another opinion and they'll have to try and 'Convince Us' as well. Some kids see a fault in their reasoning once other kids have explained theirs and fix up what they've said. If not, I go through the correct response. It's so simple to do, doesn't require any planning and can be used in every subject area.
Down Under Teacher
Those look amazing! I teach 4th grade, and have been really trying to push this for a long time. I constantly make them defend their answer by asking why they think it. I also like to show them why it's npprtant to write their response in a complete sentence by reading them answers in isolation, so they understand that it makes no sense without the context.
These look great. I will be focusing on writing and speaking this year. I would love to use these posters to reinforce responding in complete sentences and proof.
I teach a looping class 2nd and 3rd. I teach them in 2 nd grade to defend their answers. They need to "show me" or give more information. I write the starters on charts but the posters would be even better. The students are responsible for showing evidence in all areas. In 3rd grade they know one word answers are not going to be acceptable.
Oops , my email is
I always show or explain the way I find the answer or understand the answer. Then I ask the kids how did they find or come up with the answer. They love to come to the board and show you how they did it, especially if it was different from your way AND still correct!
I love the posters. Those would be one more great way to be higher level thinkers!
I use Accountable talk bubbles for group discussions.
like "How do you know __________?" "Prove your answer is right." Why is this answer wrong? Can you explain your thinking?
I always tell students when they give me an answer that they have to "prove it." They learn pretty quickly that they have to have their "proof" ready when they answer. Another thing we were told about this summer is to not affirm student answers right away. We used to call on students to answer questions and then praise them when they got the right answer. Now, we are told to simply repeat their answer and wait or call on someone else to answer. This allows more students to answer and share their thinking. When you praise or affirm the first student who gives the right answer, it shuts the conversation down. Then, others who might have the right answer but with different thinking don't get the chance to share their thinking. (I hope that makes sense. It's been a long week, lol!)
Teachin' First
We TTQA at our school school.- Turn The Question Around. We also use 4 square- finding 4 pieces of "proof" to back up your intitial statement. I think your posters would be a huge help teaching the kids to support their thinking. I hope I will get them.
We are just really diving into CCSS after writing curriculum guides to match. But having students show proof and then understanding is key. Thank you for always sharing your wonderful materials.
Thank you all so much for your words of wisdom and helpful hints! I learn so much from just listening to other teachers! :-) Barbara...I need your email address so I can send you the mini-posters! (Someone commented twice above, so although it looks like you're #11, you're actually #10!) :-)
I think it is important that we are building critical thinkers and problem solvers not just showing kids how to repeat answers or regurgitate information.
Sent From My iPad
These are excellent resources for ALL levels. Although I teach 7th Grade English, I have a high population of ESL/ELL students; many of whom speak little to no English. Thank you for posting!
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