Friday, June 22, 2012

300 Followers...WHAT? A Giveaway!

Okay, so technically I have 299 followers as of this morning, but hey, I teach rounding, so I'm calling it 300.  If we want to get technical, I can call my mom and ask her to follow me!  But, Wow...3 weeks ago I was having a giveaway for 100 followers!  I turned around (attended a few workshops, visited my family, hung out by the pool, and visited some colleges) and the next thing I know there are 300 of you hanging around. :-) I can't begin to tell you how happy I am you're here!  Hopefully you'll stick around for the next 300 too!  I plan to continue gabbing, sharing, and hopefully offering a little bit of something you can use in your classroom!  If you're late to the party, it's okay, but don't forget to visit the freebies page and make sure you're up to date...I've added 3 new freebies in the last 3 weeks!  (More to come!)
SO....I wanna do something fun.  I'm going to take it easy on you and avoid the 500 ways you can follow me.  ;-)   How about I get to hear more about you?!  YAY!   And... how about only 3 rules?
I mentioned I went to a workshop recently. The presenter made us choose what kind of SUIT we were (AS TEACHERS) in a deck of cards using the following rubric. 
SPADES:  Quiet, reflective, willing to change/bend, agreeable, and a follower
CLUBS:  organized, detail oriented, classroom management is your thing, planned all the time
HEARTS:  caring, loving, soft spoken, fun, share freely, go with the flow
DIAMONDS:  techno savvy, focused, driven, try new things, and love the newest strategies

So here are the rules to this simple giveaway!  
1.)  Be a follower of my blog (I really want someone who hangs out with me to WIN!)
2.)  Blog, Tweet, Pin, or FB about the giveaway so I can share with other teachers too!
3.)  Leave me a comment with which SUIT you most likely resemble and WHY in a deck of cards, using the indicators above.  (For you rebels and rule breakers  teachers who think you're more than one suit.... You can ONLY pick ONE....the ONE that BEST represents you!)  *I know, I know, I thought I was more than one too, but eventually  had to give in and pick ONE so you can too!  :-)     *Leave me your email too so I can send you your prize if you win!

That's it!  Ready for the prize?  It's a 300 follower celebration, so I'm going to stick to a "3" theme.  
$30.00 gift card to Amazon AND 3 things from my TpT and/or TN store!  I'll use Rafflecopter and select a winner on Thursday, June 28th @ midnight!
Ready? Set! ENTER!  

Bananas for 300 followers, shopping @ Amazon, and teachers who are NOT all one suit...we sure would be boring!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Allie @ The Gypsy Teacher said... 1

I think its funny that so many of us teachers don't think we're just one thing- suit or otherwise! It was hard for me to pick between hearts and diamonds, but I decided I'm MOST hearts! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
The Gypsy Teacher

Unknown said... 4

I suppose I would be considered a Diamond mostly but I am sprinkled with every suit.

Tattling to the Teacher

Unknown said... 5

I'm not sure exactly what techno savy means, but if I have to pick just one I'd have to go with Diamond.

Congrats on 300!! :)

Falling Into First
100 Follower Giveaway WRITE this way

Nikki Sabiston said... 6

If I have to choose just one, I must go with Clubs. I love to organize!


Delighted said... 7

Well... since you are being a meany and forcing me to pick just ONE ... I suppose I'm SOMETIMES a spade. (But I'm really a pinch of there!)

Jackie said... 9

It's so, so, so hard to pick one suit, but I think I'll go with diamonds! I love home, in the classroom, and everywhere! {I don't know what I'd do without my iPhone!} And I really do love to try new things...I taught the past two years with two wonderful teachers who taught me in 2nd and 3rd grade and they were great enough to try all of the new things I wanted to do with me!

Congrats on 300 followers! I love your blog and all of your great ideas...not to mention all of your tpt and tn products!


Third Grade's A Charm

Enter My 100 Follower Giveaway!


Courtney said... 10

First of all, Congratulations on 300!! That is so exciting!! I just hit 100, and hope I get as popular as quickly as you :P
I definitely have to say that I am CLUBS all the way. I love to be organized and have a binder for everything, get stressed if I'm not planned and class management is def. my thang. My first year, my vp kept trying to pop in to see my kids all crazy because she could never get over how well behaved they were! lol
Teaching in Paradise

Unknown said... 11

Congrats on 300! :) Great giveaway! :) Hmm.. I'm all of them!! I guess if I had to pick i'd go with ...clubs :)
Tori's Teacher Tips

Jennifer Jasewicz said... 14

I love your blog! Congratulations on 300 followers!

I think I am more like ... DIAMONDS!

I'm constantly trying new things in the classroom. I get bored of the same old routine after awhile and need to switch things up.


YearntoLearn said... 15

I'm a spades. I'm happy to have quiet time and am a great listener. Yay for 300. Crossing my fingers I win this great giveaway.

Yearn to Learn Blog

Heidi said... 16

Congrats on reaching 300 :) This is such a fun giveaway. Like most I am a little bit of all of them, but I fall into the Clubs category the most. I LOVE finding new classroom management techniques and love to organize just about anything I can get my hands on :) Thanks for such a great giveaway.

My (Not So) Elementary Life

Lisa R. said... 17

I am most definitely hearts. I am very caring. I am also extremely easy going and like to go with the flow in any situation. I am all about sharing freely, like activities I create, etc. What a great giveaway! Congrats on 300!!

Learning Is Something to Treasure

meghan said... 18

Congrats on 300!

I'm mostly a spade, I think. I'm a great listener! =) Hard to pick just one!

Third Grade in the First State

Janine said... 19

I think I am between a club and a diamond when it comes to work, but hearts when I am away from my life as a teacher. I try really hard not to intertwine the two because I have been burned quite a few times when trying to have to many work friends flow into my personal life. Lesson learned and life is good! Congrats on 300, I know how it feels and you deserve it! Enjoy!

Teaching Joys said... 22

I think I am mostly hearts! (Of course, like others, I think I have parts of the other suits!) Congrats on 300! Oh and you didn't share which suite you thought you were!?!? Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway!

Teaching Joys

Tamera Wilson said... 23

Just like the Dr. Oz body type quiz I took yesterday - I am all over the place. As a spade, I am quiet, willing to change and agreeable - but I am NOT a follower. As a club, I attempt organization and my management works for me. But if I have to pick just 1 or 2, I am the Heart/Diamond! I caring, loving, soft spoken, fun, share freely, go with the flow! If I am in the middle of teaching my "plans" and get a better idea - I just go with it. I also like to think I am techno savvy and driven. I LOVE to try new things in the classroom and sometimes it freaks, I mean stresses, my teammates out.

MikesMom said... 24

If I have to choose one I would say Hearts.I don't have my own class, but I float from K-3 working on Literacy skills, so I certainly know how to go with the flow.

Elizabeth Polston said... 26

I'm going with Diamonds - of course they are a girls best friend also :) But of the four this is most me. Congrats on getting to 300!

epolston at rowland dot k12 dot ca dot us

Anonymous said... 27

If I have to pick one, it would be clubs. I am extremely organized. I started preparing for next year before this school year was even done.
I love your celebration idea. This is fun and different.

Darleen Chautin said... 29

Hey Michelle,
WOW, 300!!! That is amazing, in only a week!!! I guess I would be a club. I am definitely organized and plan all the time. My partner teacher comes to me all the time for things! I save copies of everything and know exactly where everything is! Hope I win!!
Third Grade Love

Darleen Chautin said... 31

I blogged, tweeted, and FB about your awesome giveaway! I was unable to leave the link for the tweet or FB! Good luck on 300 followers!
Third Grade Love

Heather said... 32

It was definitely hard to choose just one suit. I feel as though I have a little of each suit. But having to choose just one- the Spades.

Heather (

Markeeta said... 33

I am a clubs all the way! My principal says what she loves about me is how organized I am! I think I have a problem!


Sara {Miss V's Busy Bees} said... 34

Ahh it's a tie between clubs and hearts! I'm extra organized and detail-oriented but I'm definitely loving and caring! BUT I'm going to go ahead and go with hearts! I'm definitely a heart :]

Happy 300 followers!

Miss V's Busy Bees

Mrs. Brown said... 35

Gee, I guess I am more like the spades! LOL

Hooty said... 36

I'm a little bit of all of the suits but I'm going to have to go with Diamonds.

I'm blogging about your giveaway. Congrats on the 300 followers. I hope to be there someday!

Hooty's Homeroom

rachel said... 38

Man this is tough! I would like to say I am a little bit of everything, but I think I am HEARTS. I guess because I am easy going, but give all of my heart when it comes to teaching and caring from students as well as others. I had a great mentor to model what an exceptional teacher looks like. ;) Keep up the amazing work you do!

Corinna said... 39

I am going to have to say I am a spades and hearts kinda gal!

Congrats on 300!! Wow! Hopefully I will be there by end of the summer;)


Unknown said... 40

I am a little bit of each...If I had to pick, I guess I am Hearts. Congrats on 300 followers! :)
I am posting your giveaway on my FB page! :)
Crayons and Curls

Unknown said... 41

I am a diamond. Love my technology, always changing things to keep up with the newest movement. Gotta stay busy ALL the time!
So proud of you with the 300 followers! Great job!!

Kinder Kraziness

Jen R said... 42

I'm gonna say that even though I'm all of them, I'm a Clubs kinda girl....I'm VERY organized and my kids know the routine back of their hand - they teach the new kids, even...but even having said that, I can change and bend easily, and I really pretty laid

Michelle said... 44

THIS has been SOOOO fun! I am enjoying reading these! Boy, there ARE bunch of rule breakers though! Ya'll can't stand just being ONE thing, huh?
To Teaching Joys: I wondered who would ask first what I thought I was? I went with hearts, but really struggled because I am so much a diamond too. But overall, the heart trumped diamond in the end. Thanks for asking!
Glad you're having fun and thanks again to all of you for entering! I can't wait to see who wins! :-)

Meredith Gilbert said... 45

Clubs.....No question! By the way, my classroom is monkeys so I LOVE your blog:-)
Sunshine, Sand and Scissors

busyteacher said... 47

Spades! I am new, and was sent by Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies. So hopefully you are over the 300 mark!

Sarah said... 48

Clubs...I'm definitely organized and detail oriented. Since I'm starting my first year teaching in September, we'll see how the classroom management will work out :)


The Colorful Apple said... 49

I am totally Clubs all the way! I get teased for my organization (I they are just jealous!) and my principal always says that management is my strong point. So fun!

Sara :)
Smiling In Second Grade

Michelle Rist said... 51

Congrats on 311! : )
I am a Diamond for sure but very jealous of clubs! I tend to "switch" stuff around so much it's hard to keep it organized!

Jenna McKeel said... 52

Diamond- I'm always looking for new things to try out in the classroom.

Unknown said... 53

I have not heard this one before and love it! I am mostly Diamonds because of the tech and trying new things but I have to work on being focused :) My email is

Aimee V. said... 54

I am somewhere between a club and a diamond. I like to try new things but I am very organized.

Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

Unknown said... 55

What a great question! I am definitely hearts. I think most primary teachers are to some extent. Thanks for the fun contest!

My Kindergarten Kids said... 56

Diamond - always ready to try something new. I have been teaching a long time - always changing keeps me excited about teaching! :)
My Kindergarten Kids

stephanie said... 57

hearts all the way. i share freely and go with the flow. heading back to the classroom in august--i can hardly wait!

Sandra said... 58

Diamond!!! :)
I love making stuff, reading, and trying new things!
I am seeing all of these blog book studies and I've already bought 3 books!!! :)
I also love my computer and creating stuff!

❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First

susan said... 60

Hearts because I think I'm a go with the flow kind of touchy feely type and that helps in a room full of little ones!

Kelsey said... 61

I feel like I have some qualities from each suit, but I am a lot like the clubs. I like to organize and keep things in a pretty specific order. BUT I do have lots of the other suits aspects as well.

Thank you!!!!


Unknown said... 62

I think I'm a club with some heart sprinkled in.

Cindy Foreman said... 63

I am totally CLUBS!! I am so organized and structured even teaching kindergarten. I am always being complemented on my classroom management! By the way I am your newest follower and would love to have you pop in and follow me too!

Krazy Kindergarten Teacher

The Tutu Teacher said... 69

I am, without a doubt a Heart. I'm the teacher who dances with (or without) the kids in the hallway. Also the first to hold a hand or give a hug when needed...I am not however soft spoken..Oh well 6 out of 7 isn't bad.

Kristi said... 72

Congratulations on reaching 300+! I would have to say I'm a CLUB. Organization is a must and I would freak out without a plan. I think structure is my middle name!

Christina C. said... 73

DIAMONDS: techno savvy, focused, driven, try new things, and love the newest strategies

That is definitely me. They even call me "Computer" on my team.

Christina Collinsworth

Andrea said... 74

I think I'm closest to a spade, but I do have a lot of the aspects of a diamond... and hearts. Oh, geez I have a little bit of all of the decks! I just finished my first year, so I am still discovering what kind of teacher I am :)

Anonymous said... 75

Congrats on the 300! You do have a great blog! I am definitely a CLUB! I organize all the time! I even organize my organizers! I have a notebook for everything. My kiddos know exactly what the routine is. I plan all the time and and have no life! I even change my plans when I see that the kids aren't being successful. I'm already planning out for next year and already have my room ready. But, really I am a fun person! My kids say that I make them laugh so I do have a sense of humor! LOL

Liz said... 76

I think I'm most like a spade. Since I'm going to be a first year teacher next year, I'll need to do a lot of reflecting on my practices!!!!

Unknown said... 78

Oops I forgot to tell you I resemble Diamonds! :)

Unknown said... 79

I love new strategies, and I LOVE technology!!!! That is why I am a diamond...Ok after 3 comments I think I have covered everything, LOL :)

Michelle said... 80

This has made for some GREAT reading material for me today! THANKS! So far, the best score I can come up with SO FAR:
Hearts 13
Clubs 21
Spades 13
Diamonds 16
So basically we have a bunch of organizers in this crowd! I'm impressed because I'm probably LEAST like a club. lol Keep having fun! Thanks for playing along and entering! :-)

laurie said... 81

I am definitely a club for sure! I struggle with trying to go with the flow, and branch out from my plans. My goal this year is to be more flexible and fun loving!! Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said... 82

If I can only pick one, I choose hearts. I am easy going, caring, soft spoken and fun! Congrats on 300! I would LOVE to win!
:) Dana
Stop by & visit me @ Fun in 1st Grade

JC said... 83

I'd be a CLUB- totally organized and detail oriented.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

Amy Mc said... 84

I am all-diamond! Teachers in my school come to me if the IT guy is unavailable. I also read about new things and love to implement them

Lori R said... 85

Congratulations on 300 followers! I had to choose between 2 and I am going with heart.

Unknown said... 86

I would say that I am a mix between a diamond and a club. Love my classroom management but I am the go to person for anything technology oriented or new and savvy :)


Anonymous said... 87

Love your blog! Congrats on 300 followers! Here is to 300 more.
I am definitively a spade. I am a follower and love to listen to others.
Kathy Switzky

Unknown said... 89

No contest, I'm all Diamond. Congrats on 300 followers- that's awesome! I'm almost to 100 and I would love for you to stop by my blog.
First with Franklin

Sarah said... 90

I feel as though right now I'm a diamond suit. I was drawn to Heart as well, but I am very tech-savvy, and I'm always excited to try new strategies! So...DIAMOND! :)
Miss A's Kindergarten

katy said... 91

SPADE: Quiet, reflective, willing to change/bend, agreeable, and a follower is pretty much me.

SuperLuper said... 92

I am definitely CLUBS! Those statements exactly describe me. Thanks for the giveaway!


Tammy said... 93

Yeah I'm thinking hearts...except for the soft spoken Congrats on 300 plus this is a fun giveaway!

First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

Patti said... 94

Congrats on 300! I guess I have to pick diamonds because teachers in my building always come to me with their tech issues. But it is hard to choose!

Danielle said... 95

Oh man the tough choice to choose only one!! I would have to go with Diamonds!! Such a cool idea!!

Danielle Brown

Patti said... 96

Forgot my email. Is their a category for that???

Megan said... 97

Just found your blog, and I love it! I'm a diamond, with a little spade mixed in!

Heather said... 98

Oh man, it really is hard to pick just one. If I had to go with one I guess I am mostly a spade, but there's definitely a ton of heart sprinkled in there as well! ;) Congrats on 300 followers, and great giveaway!

Unknown said... 99

I am so happy I found your blog! You have great things to share! If I had to pick just one, I would go with Clubs because I love to organize and make sure everything's done right.

Congrats on 300 followers! =)

Miss Ashley's Amazing Resource Room

kgroen00 said... 100

Congratulations on 300 followers!

I would have to say I'm clubs. I love to plan and organize- I especially love classroom management. It's all I can think about in the summer!

Anonymous said... 101

Congrats! I am HEARTS! This is a great giveaway!

Katie said... 103

Congrats on 300!!!! I don't think I fit into any category.. haha. I can be kind and caring with my students, but I'm definitely not soft spoken. I definitely have good behavior management (I don't think you can survive in title 1 without it), but I'm not always organized. I go with the flow A LOT and my kids know this. If I had to pick.... I think I'm closest to diamonds. As a first year (well I just finished my 1st year) teacher, I'm ALWAYS trying new things!

Storie said... 106

I know why it's so hard for others to choose :) I have more qualities in the Clubs category than any other.
Stories by Storie

Krista said... 107

I'm a Clubs with a little of each sprinkled in.

Cindy L said... 108

I'm a spades because I don't like to cause trouble. I am willing to try new things but try to stay away from trouble.

Suzy Q said... 109

I am most like the clubs, except for the flexible part!

tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

Tina said... 110

Love your blog. If I HAVE to pick ONE I guess it would be diamond but I have characteristics from all of them.

Confessions of a Teaching Junkie said... 111

Hi Michelle,

I am your newest follower! I am definitely a diamond! I love technology and am always on the lookout for ideas to make me a better teacher. I love your blog design!
Confessions of a Teaching Junkie
Find me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter

Stephanie @ 3rd Grade Thoughts said... 113

I am diamonds all the way!!! How fun, I want to try that with my friends :) Congrats!!

3rd Grade Thoughts

Stacey Sussman said... 114

I am totally Clubs! My classroom (even in summer school right now) runs like a well oiled machine. I cannot function without having lessons planned quite far in advance - kind of sad, but I'm organized!

I'm totally showing the suits to all my teacher friends!


Mrs. Wells said... 115

I am probably most clubs, but a little bit of diamond too!


Laura said... 116

I am SO more than one but guess I am mostly Diamonds. I love trying new things in the classroom and creating on my Mac. I also love learning new techy tricks! Driven?? Hmmm...I am not satisfied with mastery. I keep pushing. Is that a good thing??

Peace, Love, and First Grade

Mrs. Angela said... 117

Hey there fellow Knoxvillian! How cool to see that we live in the same town! I am a "hearts" kinda teacher. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kinderbee said... 118

Hey! It's my very first time on your blog and I've already bookmarked it! Can't wait to follow your monkey business. I'm a "clubs" kinda gal, with a bit of everything else in there, too.
I can't wait to find out if I'm a winner! Thanks for the fun...

Pam Petralia said... 119

I would say I am mostly a spade because I have to over plan every second of the school day or my special Ed class. I also have to being top of behavior at all times.
Thanks for the giveaway! I enjoy your blog!!

Unknown said... 120

I am definitely DIAMONDS! I am always onto a new thing, especially this summer. . .I'm trying to get my blog AND TPT Store up and running with followers. . .not only is this techno-related but also it has been my focus of the past week and it is all I think about! Also, I love trying new strategies. . .I'm in a "blog book club" right now for The Daily Five. I'm hoping to implement this into my classroom this fall! So not only am I driven to learn more, I feel like I just love to absorb all that is out there for me to learn! HAPPY 300 FOLLOWERS MICHELLE!
~Kristin Cook
Kristin Cook’s Classroom Blog

Micha said... 122

I am definitely a club. Classroom management is my thing. I very rarely have discipline problems and when I do they are minor. Love your blog. Congrats on reaching 300.

Fancy Nancy said... 123

I am a diamond- I love love love to teach and I love to learn new things. I am not tech savy but I am learning. I am driven-I want to constantly know what is best for the kiddos and then make sure I do it.

Ms. Erin said... 124

I am most definitely a CLUBS! My kiddos picked up on it right from the beginning and try to keep very organized. And I LOVE classroom management! We all work hard to put the most detail into our work by planning it all out ahead of time. Makes everything run so smoothly in my Learning Jungle!

Unknown said... 125

I am most definitely a diamond. Trying new things and using new strategies is what I do a lot when I know something I have been doing isn't working or if I know students just aren't getting something. And I am definitely tech savvy!
Carrie G.
TeacherCarrieAZ at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 126

I am definitely a diamond. I am always will to try new thing and new and different strategies with my students. If is not working-why-what do I need to do the make it work! Oh, by the way I am very tech savvy! Jackie H.

Tangelia C. said... 130

I would say I am hearts. I feel like I am a nurturer. I am a big softie and care about my kiddos.I also tend to go with the flow.


Mimi said... 131

I would have to say I am more a diamond. I have and use all the latest "gadgets" in my classroom. My students read books using my e-readers, iPads or iPods and the majority of my lessons are on the active board.

Jenn Bates said... 134

If I have to pick one I am a club because classroom management and planning are my things. Congrats on 300 followers! I am a new one.
Finally in First

Unknown said... 135

Congrats on 300 followers! :)

I would have to say that I am spades as I am always willing to try another way to help my students "get it". Working on becoming a diamond as my knowledge of techy stuff increases.


Brittany said... 136

This is such a cute blog! So glad I found it. It was a tough choice between clubs and diamonds, but upon further reflection I would definitely say that I'm a Club all the way!

Unknown said... 137

I am a mix of all the suits, more so diamonds and clubs, as I think I am organized, well-planned, techno savvy...etc. Next school year will be my first time beginning the school year as a full time teacher and I am so excited! Love your blog! Thanks!

Michelle said... 138

Update to the score: (The best i can tell. Some of you all just can't choose. lol) It's all good. Thanks for playing along! I'm having a great time reading these!
Hearts: 24
Clubs: 36
Spades: 19
Diamonds: 36
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH A TIE....Any tiebreakers out there? :-)

Katie {The Mishaps and Mayhem of a Solitary Life} said... 141

Love this question...may pass it along to my pricipal to ask at our Back to School PD day. I would say I am a September I will be my school's Tech teacher and Librarian! Looking forward to it! I am excited to found your blog!

Jennifer Jenkins Vukosic said... 142

Congratulations on over 300 followers now!!
If I had to pick one, I think I would be considered a club!


Tami said... 144

I guess you can officially say you have 300 followers. I am now a follower. I teach a self-contained special ed. classroom with all kinds of disabilities. This next year I will have students in 1st-3rd grade. I'd have to say I am a spades, heart and a diamond but not a club. Love your blog!! I will be sending friends your way.

Diana said... 145

I am one of your newest followers. I would have to say that I am clubs.

Eliana said... 147

Spades all the way....always have been. My grade school teachers would describe me just like the spade! Thanks for the fun contest!

Charlie said... 148

I'm definitely a heart....with little bits of club and spade thrown in for good measure of course :) Thanks for the chance at such a great giveaway, congrats to you on 300 followers!!!


catherine said... 149

I definitely could pick from each category, hopefully all of us could, which makes for great teaching. If you insist on picking only one suit to describe me, I'd pick Hearts. :) Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway.

PS- I really like how your comments stand out from your readers. Very cool.

Unknown said... 150

Although like the others I have qualities for each of the suits... I am most like HEARTS. I very much go with the flow. It takes A LOT to make me upset because I am so easy going.
BTW- I love the monkey theme!
:0) Melissa

Josh Bennett said... 151

I am loving the monkey theme on your blog, Michelle! I'm your newest follower. In response to your question, I think I'm closest to a diamond. I love trying new things out in the classroom and technology in the classroom is definitely my thing! :)

I'd love it if you stopped by the Beach Brains' Blog if you have a chance!


Sally said... 153

Congratulations on 300 followers! In fact, it looks like a whole lot more than that now!

I'm a little bit of all the "suits", but I'd say Clubs "suits" me best!

Sally from Elementary Matters

mcoop1125 said... 155

Congrats on 300! I'm with the Clubs...organization is calming:-) Thanks for the chance to win!

Marcia said... 156

Congrats on 300. I am a diamond. I like to try new technology and then help to convince other teachers to try as well.
Learning in Bliss

Elizabeth said... 157

If I had to pick one, I would be a club.

Heather Smith said... 159

I think all of us see a little bit of each personality in each suit...but that is because good teachers have to be good at EVERYTHING :)

Since I have to choose...I would say I am most like the Diamond.


Jamie said... 161

Just found your blog. Wow, congratulations on 300 followers! I'm now one of your newest followers. As to what suit I am, I would say I'm a spade. I do not like conflict and want things to run smoothly. I can be a great listener and am very reflective. Though I am organized and extremely detail oriented, I would say I am mostly a spade.

My e-mail is

paula said... 162

I just started following your blog! I would say I'm a hearts, with a little diamond thrown in for good measure! Congrats on hitting 300!

teacher01 said... 163

Congrats! I guess I'll have to settle on being a diamond! Like many others, I am a bit of all four...;)

Unknown said... 164

Congrats on over 300!!! Hearts is my suit. I just love my little buggers!
: ) krissy

Unknown said... 165

What a great giveaway-thanks for your fantastic blog and congrats on 300 followers! I'd say I'm a diamond-especially the technology part and wanting the newest strategies--which is how I found you today! Looking forward to following you!
my email is

have a great day! Sara

Primary Possibilities said... 166

Ok, so I am late to the giveaway! I just discovered your blog and am your newest follower. We need to hit 200 on our blog! You can be part of our giveaway if you'd like. We can help you out on your 400th! You are not that far away! ... rounding...

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